Take Advantage of Fresh Starts

decision making leadership sales

Happy New Year!

Why do even-numbered years carry a special charm? No clue.

Yet, the even-year mojo has been with me since childhood, dating back to receiving the cherished Topps baseball card set gift on Christmas Day 1986. With that nostalgia, 2024, here we come!

While the allure of even years may be subjective, the New Year universally stands out as the ultimate Fresh Start. Business leaders and salespeople, pay attention—this is a golden opportunity to leverage the Fresh Start effect. These moments in the year offer openings to set new goals, implement fresh strategies, and evoke a resounding "yes!" from your clients.

Think of the Fresh Start as your chance to hit the reset button, turn the page, and wipe the slate clean. Beyond the New Year, several other occasions provide these refreshing moments—birthdays, anniversaries, and yes, even Mondays! According to researchers from The Wharton School, these Fresh Starts aka “temporal landmarks”:

  • “Push past imperfections into the past,
  • Encourage a holistic reflection on life,
  • Motivate aspirational behaviors.”

Of all these new beginnings, the New Year holds the grandest impact. Research indicates that the desire to change and the willingness to try are most potent at the start of a new year.

However, we're all familiar with the precarious nature of New Year's resolutions. Failure often results from lacking a robust implementation plan. Simply stating, "I'll hit the gym more," won't cut it. Blocking time on your calendar for workouts and executing your plan, however, can establish new habits.

For business professionals and salespeople, seizing the Fresh Start of the New Year is crucial.

For Businesspeople:

  1. If you haven't set team or project goals for 2024, do it now, this first week of January.
  2. Develop a comprehensive implementation plan. Whether setting personal goals or involving others, create a detailed plan with deliverables, milestones, and deadlines. Rally those around you with intentionality.
  3. Execute the plan. Make adjustments as needed. Achieving the first milestone will build the momentum needed to realize your goals.

For Salespeople:

  1. Inquire about your customers' 2024 goals. Understanding their aspirations allows you to create an aligned value proposition.
  2. Offer to assist in building and executing your customers' implementation plans. A well-structured plan increases the likelihood of them achieving their goals.
  3. By actively supporting your customers in their goals and success, you position yourself as an invaluable resource, consultant, and solution provider.

Welcome to 2024!

Embrace the Fresh Start that the New Year brings.

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