

Skills Acceleration & Insights

3 Leadership Rules To Avoid Burning Out Your Team best practices culture leadership management performance Jul 22, 2024

When I managed Abbott's business across Latin America and Canada, I had a habit of sending emails to my teams over the weekend.

One day, the General Manager of Latin America pulled me aside and said:

"Andy, could you hold off sending emails during the weekend? In Latin America, weekends are...

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Job #1 Retain Your Top Talent culture leadership management retention talent Jul 02, 2024

Talented business professionals are hard to find. They can be even harder to retain.

My corporate career started in 2002 at Guidant, a medical device company. There, I experienced just how far companies in medical device had to go to retain top talent, so let me set the scene.

In 2002, Cardiac...

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Break-In | Break-Out | Break-Away communication framework leadership presentations Jun 24, 2024

When the Abbott Vascular team launched the XIENCE V drug-eluting coronary stent in 2008 in the United States, our plan was simple...

Break-In: Access the U.S. market with FDA approval and a great launch campaign.

Break-Out: Take market share with compelling clinical data and incredible product...

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What Does Your Winning Condition Look Like? culture leadership management performance self-awareness Jun 17, 2024

Self-awareness is an essential soft professional skill.

Self-awareness is the ability to look in the mirror and understand your strengths and opportunities.

Early in my coaching engagements, I ask the talented individual I'm working with to describe how she operates in her "Winning...

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Who Has the Power to Change Culture? You Do! culture leadership management Jun 11, 2024

Most businesspeople I talk to identify a healthy company culture as one of the most essential qualities of a high-functioning organization.

I agree.

When I ask professionals the following question, "In a business, who owns creating a great company culture?" a lot of fingers start to point....

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How to Eliminate Quiet Retirement Syndrome leadership management retirement Apr 22, 2024

I spent over 17 years in "Corporate America" and participated in only one retirement celebration. In my opinion, Quiet Retirement Syndrome is a problem.

I remember reading email announcements that said so-and-so was "retiring and is excited to be spending more time with his family."

I thought,...

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